If you have any comments, concerns, questions, ideas, and/or suggestions for improving the features below feel free to share by commenting directly on the feature’s post page, joining our Discord to chat with the developers directly, or use one of the alternative contact methods available.

We are in early development, expect bugs/changes, please provide feedback.

Drones For Mining Asteroids

Mining asteroids isn’t exactly the safest endeavor, fortunately it’s made significantly safer via the use of drones. Just be sure you don’t run out of power before dropping off everything you’ve mined!

Double Doors For The Just In Case

Some doorways may have an inner and outer door for safety’s sake. They have a manual mode requiring the press of a button to open/close and a door lock button.

Breaker Rooms for Power

Another step down the power chain allowing finer control of whether a door, light, machine, hydroponics, or something else receives power.

Nuclear Reactors

Nuclear reactors use radioactive material (IE: Uranium-235) to boil water creating steam spinning turbines generating reliably consistent electricity. Nuclear reactors are steam engines. There are multiple ways of dealing with nuclear waste. The simplest is ejecting them into space. There’s fungus which consumes radiation. We can turn it into ammunition with better penetration than lead.

Steam to Electricity

Regardless of how we generate steam (nuclear, coal, solar, or otherwise) we harness its power by spinning turbines to generate electricity.