Hello! I’m Michael Patrick Boisson also-known-as Shaostoul, and I’d like to welcome you to Project Universe—a groundbreaking initiative aimed at ending poverty and uniting humanity. Through our immersive sci-fi video game, we’re creating a platform where you can learn a variety of skills such as welding, carpentry, history, and art. Imagine a place where you can embark on homesteading adventures in space, honing your resourcefulness and sustainability, all while connecting with people globally from the comfort of your home.

Project Universe is more than just a game. We’re leveraging the technology within the game to provide real-world solutions, like using 3D models for 3D printing. Our goal is to build a global community based on voluntary collaboration, where essential resources like education, food, water, electricity, and internet are freely accessible to everyone. I firmly believe that it’s our duty to ensure these resources are available without cost, as denying them would be a disservice to humanity.

While the ultimate vision is to transition to a money-free society, we understand the need for a gradual and realistic approach. Initially, we’ll rely on donations, investments, and innovative funding mechanisms such as our in-game shopping mall, where affiliate links generate revenue. These funds will help us develop and sustain the project, allowing us to offer as much as possible for free. This hybrid model is designed to support our mission while paving the way toward a future where life isn’t governed by money but by cooperation, discovery, and sustainable living.