Up to this point I’ve primarily used PETG and PLA filament for all my 3D printing needs, recently however I’ve learned of an alternative source of plastic for filament, PolyEthylene Terephthalate or PET for short. This plastic is most commonly seen as polyester clothing and plastic beverage bottles. For the sake of simplicity we’re focusing on recycling plastic 2 liter bottles into 3D printing filament, then once we have that down we can look into recycling other PET sources.
For more info about PET check out:
I’m primarily creating this page to document my experience, provide access to any 3D models I make for this, and whatever else happens along the way. We’re starting with original concept from Recreator3D, cooperating with them and their community. My big bro has already created a working version of the Recreator, so my focus is on improving the design however possible.
You can view his latest video and other content on his page here: instagram.com/p/C_Uc3YcpCHn/