Nutrient Name Description Daily Dose Deficiency Symptoms Excess Symptoms Interactions Bioavailability Special Considerations
Calcium Necessary for muscle function and bone health. 1000 mg Osteoporosis Kidney stones Interacts with vitamin D Moderate High intake can affect absorption of other minerals
Carotenoids Important for vision and immune function. Varies Night blindness Yellowing of skin Interacts with vitamin A Moderate Includes beta-carotene
Choline Supports brain health and liver function. 550 mg Liver damage Hypotension Interacts with folate Moderate Important during pregnancy
Chromium Enhances insulin action and glucose metabolism. 35 mcg Impaired glucose tolerance Kidney and liver damage Interacts with insulin Moderate May help with blood sugar control
Coenzyme Q10 Supports cellular energy production. 30-200 mg Rare Gastrointestinal distress Interacts with blood thinners Moderate Antioxidant properties
Copper Helps with iron absorption and red blood cell formation. 0.9 mg Anemia, osteoporosis Liver damage Interacts with zinc Moderate Important for cardiovascular health
Flavonoids Antioxidants that protect against cell damage. Varies None known None known Interacts with other antioxidants Moderate May improve heart health
Histidine Important for growth and tissue repair. 10 mg/kg Anemia, arthritis Stress, anxiety Interacts with zinc Moderate Essential amino acid
Iodine Essential for thyroid hormone production. 150 mcg Goiter, hypothyroidism Thyroid dysfunction Interacts with selenium High Vital for metabolism regulation
Iron Essential for blood production and oxygen transport. 8 mg Anemia Iron overload Interacts with vitamin C Moderate Women need more due to menstruation
Isoleucine Supports muscle metabolism and immune function. 19 mg/kg Muscle tremors Sweating, dizziness Interacts with leucine High Branched-chain amino acid
Leucine Essential for protein synthesis and muscle repair. 42 mg/kg Muscle wasting Hypoglycemia Interacts with insulin High Branched-chain amino acid
Lutein Supports eye health. 6-10 mg Rare Yellowing of skin Interacts with beta-carotene Moderate Important for vision
Lysine Important for protein synthesis and hormone production. 38 mg/kg Fatigue, nausea Gallstones Interacts with arginine High Essential amino acid
Magnesium Supports muscle and nerve function, energy production. 400 mg Muscle cramps, mental disorders Diarrhea Interacts with calcium Moderate Involved in over 300 biochemical reactions
Manganese Involved in bone formation and energy metabolism. 2.3 mg Bone malformation, weakness Neurological symptoms Interacts with iron Moderate High doses can be neurotoxic
Methionine Helps with metabolism and detoxification. 19 mg/kg Liver damage Atherosclerosis Interacts with folate Moderate Essential amino acid
Molybdenum Plays a role in enzyme activation. 45 mcg Neurological issues Gout-like symptoms Interacts with copper Moderate Rarely deficient in humans
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids Support heart health and improve cholesterol levels. Varies Rare Weight gain Interacts with other fats High Part of a balanced diet
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Support heart health and cognitive function. 1.6 g Dry skin, depression Bleeding risk Interacts with omega-6 fatty acids High Essential for brain development
Omega-6 Fatty Acids Important for brain function and normal growth. 17 g Dry skin, hair loss Inflammation Interacts with omega-3 fatty acids High Balance with omega-3 intake
Phenylalanine Precursor for neurotransmitters like dopamine. 25 mg/kg Eczema, fatigue High doses can cause anxiety Interacts with tyrosine High Can exacerbate phenylketonuria (PKU)
Phosphorus Important for bone health and energy production. 700 mg Weakness, bone pain Kidney damage Interacts with calcium High Balance with calcium intake
Polyphenols Antioxidants that reduce inflammation. Varies None known None known Interacts with other antioxidants Moderate May reduce risk of chronic diseases
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Support heart health and brain function. Varies Rare Increased bleeding risk Interacts with saturated fats High Essential for brain health
Potassium Regulates fluid balance and muscle contractions. 4700 mg Weakness, muscle cramps Hyperkalemia Interacts with sodium High Maintains proper cell function
Selenium Protects cells from damage and supports thyroid function. 55 mcg Fatigue, hair loss Selenosis Interacts with vitamin E Moderate Important for immune function
Sodium Essential for muscle function and nerve transmission. 2300 mg Hyponatremia High blood pressure Interacts with potassium High Monitor intake for blood pressure control
Threonine Important for protein balance in the body. 20 mg/kg Neurological defects Liver dysfunction Interacts with glycine High Essential amino acid
Tryptophan Precursor to serotonin, supports sleep and mood. 5 mg/kg Depression, anxiety Drowsiness Interacts with serotonin Moderate Essential amino acid
Valine Stimulates muscle growth and regeneration. 24 mg/kg Neurological defects Hallucinations Interacts with other BCAAs High Branched-chain amino acid
Vitamin A Important for vision, immune system, and reproduction. 900 mcg Night blindness Nausea, dizziness Interacts with zinc High Toxic at high doses
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Helps convert nutrients into energy. 1.2 mg Beriberi Rare, excess excreted Interacts with magnesium High Deficiency common in alcoholics
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Important for blood formation and brain function. 2.4 mcg Anemia, neurological issues Rare, excess excreted Interacts with folate High Deficiency common in vegans
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Involved in energy production and cellular function. 1.3 mg Ariboflavinosis Rare, excess excreted Interacts with other B vitamins High Sensitive to light
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Supports metabolism and DNA repair. 16 mg Pellagra Liver damage Interacts with statins Moderate Can cause flushing at high doses
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) Involved in the synthesis of coenzyme A. 5 mg Fatigue, irritability Diarrhea Interacts with biotin High Deficiency is rare
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Supports neurotransmitter synthesis and metabolism. 1.7 mg Anemia, dermatitis Nerve damage Interacts with certain medications Moderate Important for brain health
Vitamin B7 (Biotin) Essential for metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. 30 mcg Hair loss, skin rash Rare, excess excreted Interacts with raw egg whites High Deficiency can cause dermatitis
Vitamin B9 (Folate) Necessary for DNA synthesis and cell division. 400 mcg Neural tube defects Can mask vitamin B12 deficiency Interacts with vitamin B12 High Crucial during pregnancy
Vitamin C Essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters. 90 mg Scurvy Diarrhea Interacts with iron High Increased need during stress
Vitamin D Promotes calcium absorption and bone health. 20 mcg Rickets Hypercalcemia Interacts with calcium Moderate Requires adequate sun exposure for synthesis
Vitamin E Acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage. 15 mg Neuromuscular problems Bleeding risk Interacts with vitamin K High Supplemental doses should be monitored
Vitamin K Essential for blood clotting and bone health. 120 mcg Bleeding Interference with anticoagulants Interacts with vitamin E High Antibiotics can reduce levels
Water Essential for all bodily functions. 3.7 L Dehydration Hyponatremia Interacts with electrolytes High Critical for life
Zeaxanthin Supports eye health. 2-4 mg Rare Yellowing of skin Interacts with lutein Moderate Important for vision
Zinc Important for immune function and wound healing. 11 mg Growth retardation, hair loss Nausea, vomiting Interacts with copper Moderate Essential for DNA synthesis