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From Pixels to Purpose: The Genesis of Project Universe

In the tapestry of human innovation, there are threads that weave together personal struggle, technological passion, and a vision for global change. This is the story of how Project Universe—a video game aimed at ending poverty and uniting humanity—came to be, born from a lifetime of gaming, modding, and an unwavering belief in the power of digital worlds to shape our reality.

The Early Years: A Controller in Hand

January 29, 1988: I entered a world that would soon be transformed by the digital revolution. Little did anyone know that the infant Michael would one day strive to harness that revolution for the betterment of all humanity.

My journey with gaming began in 1992 when I first laid hands on a Nintendo Entertainment System. It was love at first pixel. This wasn’t just entertainment; it was a gateway to new worlds, a canvas for imagination, and unknowingly, the first step towards my life’s mission.

“Gaming wasn’t just a hobby; it became the lens through which I viewed the world’s possibilities.”

But life had its challenges. My brothers and I faced early trauma, including abuse that left physical and emotional scars. Yet, these experiences would later fuel my determination to create a better world, even if only in digital form at first.

Learning to Reshape Digital Worlds

1994 marked a pivotal year: my introduction to computers and the concept of game modding. My stepfather, Kevin—a man I proudly call Dad—showed me that games weren’t static. They could be changed, improved, expanded. This revelation was like handing a budding artist not just a paintbrush, but the ability to create new colors.

As the years passed, my brothers and I bonded over countless gaming sessions. Matthew was our fearless leader, always Player One. I naturally fell into the role of Player Two, honing my skills in support roles. When Paul joined our ranks, I found joy in mentoring him, a dynamic that would later influence the collaborative nature of Project Universe.

“In those gaming sessions with my brothers, I learned the power of cooperation and the joy of shared virtual adventures—lessons that would prove crucial in my future endeavors.”

From Hobby to Vision: The Modding Years

The early 2000s saw me dive deep into the world of modding. Games like Warcraft III, Freelancer, and later, Space Engineers became my digital playgrounds. But more than that, they became classrooms where I not only learned but taught others the art of reshaping game worlds.

This period was more than just fun; it was an education in community building, problem-solving, and the democratization of game development. Little did I know, I was laying the groundwork for a much grander project.

Life’s Unexpected Turns: Health Battles and New Perspectives

2016 brought challenges that would test my resilience and ultimately reshape my life’s trajectory. A battle with Crohn’s disease, unhelpful insurance, harmful medication, and a near-death experience in December 2017 forced me to reevaluate everything.

“Lying in that hospital bed, my body going numb, I made a promise: If I survived, I’d dedicate my life to aiding in humanity’s better however I could.”

The Birth of a Universe: From Comic Con to Global Vision

Emerging from my health crisis, I found new purpose. An invitation to speak at Emerald City Comic Con in 2018 became the catalyst for Project Universe. Sitting before a packed room, discussing the impact of game modding, I saw the potential for games to be more than entertainment—they could be instruments of global change.

Project Universe was born from this realization: a game designed not just to entertain, but to educate, connect, and empower people to create sustainable lives and communities.

Inviting the World: A Global Collaborative Effort

On my 31st birthday, January 29, 2019, I took a leap of faith. I invited the world to join me in developing Project Universe, regardless of their experience. This wasn’t just about creating a game; it was about fostering a global community united by a common goal: to end poverty through digital innovation.

Looking to the Future: The Universe Expands

Today, Project Universe is more than a game in development. It’s a testament to the power of community, the strength found in adversity, and the potential for technology to address our world’s most pressing issues.

While the road ahead is long and the challenges significant, every line of code, every collaborative effort, and every small victory brings us closer to our goal. Project Universe may have started as one person’s vision, but it has grown into a collective dream shared by individuals across the globe.

“Whether Project Universe succeeds in its loftiest goals or not, the journey has already changed lives—mine included. And in that, I find immeasurable value.”

As we continue to build, learn, and grow together, I invite you to join us in this ambitious endeavor. Together, we can explore the boundaries of what’s possible when gaming meets global change.

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